

HowdyGo supports the use of variables to dynamically edit annotations and text/images in the underlying recording. Variables can be passed into the demo via its URL when it's shared.


There are many different use cases for personalizing a demo, the main ones we see are:

  • You are sending a demo to potential prospect via email and want to make it feel more targeted
  • Your demo is deployed on a landing page and you are using a service like Clearbit (opens in a new tab) to reveal the company the prospect is likely working at and you want to customise it for them.

Defining a Variable

Variables in HowdyGo are defined by using double curly brackets {{variableName}}. Inside the brackets, you can define the name of your variable - you can name the variables anything you want as long as they are a single word.

You can define default values for your variables, so that if a value is not passed through, the user will get a nice default. You can do this easily like this: {{variableName | This is the default value}}.

Using a Variable

Variable notation can be used inside any annotation or in the captured demo UI.

Defining the Value of a Variable

To define the value of a variable, you need to pass it through as a query parameter in the demo's share link.

As an example, you can view the demo above, personalized to the following names at the links below:

  1. Albert Einstein: (opens in a new tab).
  2. Marie Curie: (opens in a new tab).

Personalizing Logos and Company Names

Personalization of logos and company names is currently in beta, to get access please message our support team.

HowdyGo can automatically fetch logos and company information for any prospect you might be targeting. Please reach out to get set up.